So this blog is boring. It really is. You don't need to try an make me feel better. It sucks. I know when something is lame and uninteresting. This blog has that written all over it. It gives you no insight to who I am. It won't tell you about the person (me) you might potentially invite to participate in a special moment of your life. I want to give you the chance get to know the real me. The person I am in front of my friends when my guard is down. The zany, silly, emotional me who dances in the rain and watches sunsets on my head. That's who I want you to see. Not just the photographer that occasionally posts pictures with no personality.
To fix this, I give you "Tell all Tuesday". The place for you to get a glimpse into the real person behind the camera. To start this adventure off, let me introduce you to my new love.
I love film. I'm not sure I can say that enough. I honestly and truly love it. It forces me to slow down and think about what is in the frame yet at the same time gives me freedom to find the creativity that has been buried deep inside my soul. I have been struggling the last year to even pick up a camera let alone photograph anything, including my own kids. I would have rather upchucked a thousand times than take a single picture.
Really creativity of any kind has been strangely absent. No longer. I feel it bubbling up inside like a shaken up bottle of Pepsi. My hands are itching to pick up a camera. I want to photograph everything. I feel like a teenager with her first real crush. That is what film has done. It has shaken loose the creativity that was held captive by complacency. And I love it.
This was shot on a Mamiya RZ Pro II with Kodak Portra 400 film